We've all been elevated to think that all forms of chocolate are bad for us, good for nothing but for putting a little cushioning to our waistline. It happens, however, that this statement is only partly true. A new study done by researchers at San Diego State University has found that "Dark chocolate may lower your risk of cardiovascular disease by lowering levels of blood glucose and bad cholesterol while boosting amounts of good cholesterol." The secret ingredients are a few little substances called phenols and flavanols. I found this here: http://naturesbalance.com/2609/dark-chocolate-lovers/
Phenols and flavanols
Phenols are significant substances found in cocoa which are proven to lower blood pressure. The phenol content gets higher with higher cocoa content. Flavanols, according to numerous studies, "have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Previous research has [also] shown a link between flavanol intake and risk for cardiovascular disease."
Results of the research study
The experts at SDSU asked 31 participants to consume either 50 grams of white chocolate or 50 grams of dark chocolate per day for 15 days. At the end of those two weeks, "the tests said that those who ate dark chocolate had lower levels of blood glucose and "bad" low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, and higher levels of "good" high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol than those who ate white chocolate."
Maintain moderation
While dark chocolate does have health benefits, you still need to be careful whenever you consume it as it has high levels of calories and saturated fat. Make sure you are replacing some other non-essential nutrients with the dark chocolate, rather than simply increasing your caloric intake.
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